Civil E-Filing
Civil E-Filing Instructions/FAQs
Pursuant to Local Rule 2.87 and the Seventh Amended E-Filing Standing Order, the civil division is implementing mandatory electronic filing (e-filing) for attorneys and providing the option of e-filing to self-represented litigants.
Notice Re: Family Law Filing
If you are filing a document that typically requires a fee but it has not been assessed, please select the correct amount through optional services tab. (Example: A Request for Order is submitted but the first appearance fee has not been paid, instead of selecting the $60 motion option the appropriate selection would be the $435 first appearance option. If you are filing a motion that is modifying custody or visitation, you would choose the $60 motion option plus the additional $25 motion to modify option as well.) If you are submitting a document that requires an envelope, please purchase the amount needed through the optional services tab.
Criminal and Juvenile E-Filing
Information regarding Criminal and Juvenile eFiling can be found in this section: